Monday, July 21, 2008

a little healing

I haven't updated since November because not a whole lot has changed since then (until about a month ago). Still wrestling on the topic of healing. However, I saw a glimmer of hope. A little boost that I needed in my faith.

In my pregnancies with Elijah and Lydia, I get Thrombocytopenia, which is when your platelets (blood clotters) drop. They need to be at a certain level for an epidural (100,000) and delivery (50,000?). The only way to help slow down their downward progress is to take prednisone, which is a steroid. I took them with both pregnancies and I delivered (a week early by induction) right at 100,000. And as many of you know I have major problemos with breastfeeding and it could be partially caused by the roids (they are like an antibiotic in that they increase the yeast in your body). The thrush - ouch. I cry thinking about it.
This is me pregnant with Lydia - a few weeks before delivery. On the roids. Don't I look buff?

That being said, I started this pregnancy with 210,000 platelets and they started going down. 170,000 to 130,000 to ...
Before my dr. appt at 34 weeks (where previously I had to start on prednisone) I had a chat with God. "God, I need to see something. I need you to help me with my faith cause it is weak. Why don't you RAISE my platelets?" It wasn't like a made a deal, "If you raise my platelets ... I will buy you an ice cream or read my Bible more." Basically told him, I needed it. I needed it for my faith in Him. "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" (Mark 9:24)

I went to my Dr. appt. and he looks at my chart and says, "I don't know what happened, but your platelets are at 148,000."
"I know what happened! It is from prayer!" And then I told him the background, "I am in this weird place in my faith in regards to healing...."
He listened. And then said, "Well I have another patient and the predinsone is not working. I need to go tell her to pray."

There is no other explanation that God answering my prayer. I had researched it and could find no other means of slowing down the dropping - no vegetables or herbs or exercises, etc.
Even when I was on the prednisone, my platelets never went up. Now now roids for me!!! (That is why I am so flabby). And maybe I won't have the thrush issues with nursing!

So I am not out of my spiritual funk, but this has definitely helped...